Upcoming Deadline – Affiliated Player (AP) Program
From SOMHA Registrar 17-Dec-2024:
‘As we approach the Christmas break, I want to remind you that the deadline to add players to your affiliate list is January 15th. This is for players in U11 and up. After the 15th, we will no longer be able to add anyone else.
For affiliation of any U9 player, the deadline is January 8th and the player must go through the evaluation process before being approved as an affiliate.
As outlined at the coach and manager meeting in September, a coach wishing to affiliate a player should first discuss with the player’s coach and include the division directors of both divisions, this can be done by email. If both coaches are in agreement, then the parents and player should be asked. If all are in agreement, an email can be sent to me with a copy to the player’s coach and the division directors with the request to affiliate the player. I will confirm by email once the roster has been updated. Affiliate u11-u18 players are limited to 10 league AND playoff games maximum. There are a few other parameters, so feel free to contact me for clarification if needed.’